Book your taxi now!
The amount to be paid for the service could be variable (Rate 1, 2, 4 & 6), set (rate 4) or mixed (rate 3) depending on the time and location of the service:
Variable rate: It will be given by the taximeter plus the appropriate supplements.
1 | Monday to Friday (no holiday) | 2,40€ | From 7 am to 9 pm | 1,05 €/km |
2 | Rest of days & Schedules | 2,90€ | 1,20 €/km | |
3 | Monday to Friday (no holiday) OUT OF THE APC*AREA | 2,40€ | From 7 am to 9 pm | 1,20 €/km |
4 | Rest of days & Schedules OUT OF THE APC*AREA | 2,90€ | 1,25 €/km | |
5 | Rate per service hour Monday to Friday (no holiday) | From 7 am to 9 pm | 20,50 €/hour | |
6 | Rate per service hour Rest of days & Schedules | 23,50 €/hour |
Any toll should be borne by the customer if he/she has ordered or accepted the route.
The taximeter will begin the trip with the “service origin rate” and will start to count from the moment the vehicle initiates the move. This must be done once the destination has been arranged, except for trips booked by any telematics system that the taximeter will begin to count from the point where the vehicle has initiated the trip (with a maximum of 5€ in the A* zone and 8€ in the B* zone).
Set rate: Rate number 4. The amount to pay is set in advance (30€) for trips with origin / destination the airport and between the interior of the M-30 highway (including those services booked by any telematics system). This rate doesn’t accept any sort of supplements.
Mixed rate: Rate number 3. Airport minimum service (20€) for trips with origin the airport which destination is within 10km distance or its equivalent time. Once the 10kms (or equivalent time) are done the taximeter will continue calculating at the eligible rate. Services booked by any telematics system are not qualified for this rate.
- 5,50€ on any trip with destination the Airport (Only for rates 1&2).
- 3,00€ on any trip with destination Train & Bus Stations.
- 3,00€ on any trip with origin or destination IFEMA Congresses and Events Madrid.
- 6,70€ on trips during Christmas & New Year’s Eve when they finish between 9pm & 7am
- From the 5th seat on, 1€/seat
- Luggage: Free of charge
- Pets: Free of charge
- Rates 3 & 4 don’t accept any kind of supplements.
The maximum number of supplements which can be charged is 6, except for in Christmas & New Year’s Eve which could be 7. The airport supplement can be charged only once. The supplement for more than 4 passengers of occupation can be charged a maximum of 4 times.
* APC Area:
"A" Zone
"B" Zone
Alcobendas, Ajalvir, Alcorcón, Algete, Arganda Del Rey, Arroyomolinos, Boadilla Del Monte, Campo Real, Chinchón, Ciempozulos, Coslada, Fuenlabrada, Getafe, Humanes De Madrid, Las Rozas, Leganés, Loeches, Majadahonda, Mejorada Del Campo, Moraleja De En Medio, Morata De Tajuña, Móstoles, Navalcarnero, Paracuellos Del Jarama, Parla, Paracuellos Del Jarama, Pinto, Pozuelo De Alarcón, Rivas Vaciamadrid, San Fernando De Henares, San Martin De La Vega, San Sebastián De Los Reyes, Titulcia, Torres De La Alameda, Tres Cantos, Valdemoro, Velilla De San Antonio, Villanueva Del Pardillo, Villaviciosa De Odón.
Estas tarifas están en vigor desde las 0:00 horas del 15 de Diciembre de 2014.
- a. In advance reservation (more than one hour). It is suggested in order to guarantee the service and punctuality.
- b. Message and parcel services for companies (rates to be consulted)
- c. Arranged pickup services in the airport and train stations (same rate as drop off rate)
- d. Monthly invoicing (companies).
- e. Road trips accordingly to the official rates (budget without commitment)
- f. FREE OF CHARGE Authorized no-back booster car seat* for children ages 2 to 12 years (* more than one needs prior reservation)
- h. Official ticket in all the services.